Facebook API: Check User Permissions

Here is a simple function (modified from a class I wrote to simplify Facebook API calls) to check if there are discrepencies between the scope of the Facebook app and the permissions granted by the user.

function checkPermissions($scope, $facebook)
// Break the scope into an array
$scope = array_map('trim', explode(",", $scope));
// Get the users permissions from Facebook and put them in an array
$getUserPerms = $facebook->api('/me/permissions');
$userPerms = array_keys($getUserPerms['data'][0]);
// Permissions not granted is the difference between these arrys
$ungrantedPerms = array_diff($scope, $userPerms);
if ( ! empty($ungrantedPerms)) {
// authenticate user again

It assumes you have your scope defined in the following format:

$scope = 'email, user_about_me, user_likes, manage_pages, publish_stream';

For a more object oriented approach you could do something like:

// Assuming we have an instance of the facebook library and the scope stored
private $facebook;
private $scope;
* Return an array of the permissions that haven't been granted.
private function ungrantedPermissions()
$scope = $this->scope;
// Break the scope into an array
$scope = array_map('trim', explode(",", $scope));
// Get the users permissions from Facebook and put them in an array
$getUserPerms = $this->facebook->api('/me/permissions');
$userPerms = array_keys($getUserPerms['data'][0]);
// Permissions not granted is the difference between these arrys
return array_diff($scope, $userPerms);
Made with ❤ by Chris Hayes